
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Catch and Release Noodling

Catfish noodling remains illegal in many states due to the fact that the catfish rarely has a chance to avoid capture in order to sustain their numbers. Hand fishing is so effective because the catfish doesn't have anywhere else to go. Catfish are caught in this method while they are trying to protect their eggs just like any other creature is wanting to protect its young from natural predators, such as snakes, turtles, and other fish. In order to catfish noodle responsibly, there are a few instances when a noodler or any other noodler, for that matter, to practice catch and release. Not only will this prevent making larger catfish a rare find, but it is a humane thing to do when a catfish is not very large. In addition to the ethical reasons for practicing some form of catch-and-release, the method is important to ensure future generations will have the same opportunities to wrestle a large catfish out of its hole.For additional information on catch-and-release fishing, Fish and Boat has this tutorial on how to care for fish you intend on release to minimize injury to the fish.

For catfish noodling tips from a seasoned veteran, feel free to visit the official website of Jerry "Catfish" Rider for advanced catfish noodling tutorial DVDs. 

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