
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Catfish Noodler Profiles: Meet Michelle Brantley

Even more outrageous than catfish noodling at times are the people who engage in the sport. In order to be a catfish noodler, you have to be very patient, very motivated, and a little bit insane. Michelle Brantley is all of the above. In addition to being a catfish noodler, Michelle is also a full-time school teacher with a Master's degree as well as a hunter of several other animals. When she's not reaching in to the murky recesses of rivers and lakes, she's looking at the world through the cross hairs. In addition to hunting wild turkey and deer, Michelle has also managed to bag herself a mountain lion. In order to read up more on her, read this article on Michelle Brantley from the Womens Outdoor News website.

In order to brush up on your skills in the off season, check out these advanced catfish noodling tutorials from Jerry "Catfish" Rider. Jerry provides in depth instruction on catfish noodling via DVD for your educational entertainment year-round! 

Monday, October 15, 2012

First Time Catfish Noodling @ The Okie Noodling Competition

In a special series of articles known as The Amateur by Spencer Hall, Hall goes on his first catfish noodling expedition during the Okie Noodling competition with a few other experienced catfish noodlers. In addition to play-by-play details of noodling for catfish, Hall also provides his own dialogue in which the catfish noodler and the catfish have a conversation about what is going to happen to the catfish after he is caught. 

For expert catfish noodling advice, look no further than the DVD tutorials by Oklahoma's own catfish noodling pioneer, Jerry "Catfish" Rider

Monday, October 8, 2012

Catfish Noodling Essentials

Some of the basics of catfish noodling can also make noodling the most difficult. Learning a successful catfish noodling technique is all but useless if one goes out to handfish during the wrong time of day or even the wrong season. Answering many questions that may stump novice catfish noodlers are your friends from Freshwater Fishing. In their helpful tutorial, they explain some of the basics of catfish noodling - such as when is the best time of day to go noodling and why - to help catfish noodlers have a more successful day in the lake or river on the quest for the biggest flatheads. 

For in-depth tutorials from a catfish noodling master, look no further than the instructional DVDs of Jerry "Catfish" Rider. Stay safe on your next outing and best of luck! 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Check Your Laws! Catfish Noodling Legality

This past June, four Iowa catfish noodlers were arrested for... noodling! Apparently, in Iowa, you can get into some serious trouble for catfish noodling. Over 170 pounds of catfish were confiscated as well as a small boat. Up to date, catfish noodling is only legal in 12 states: Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Oklahoma, North Carolina, South Carolina, Wisconsin, Tennessee, and Texas. Reasons for catfish noodlings illegal status in these other states is due to the states seeing the practice as being too dangerous or to the ecosystem. For log onto CP North America for additional details on the arrest in Iowa. 

Before you decide to go noodling, make sure you check the laws in your area to ensure you're on the right side of the law. Also before you hit the murky depths, make sure you know what you're doing with tips from Jerry "Catfish" Rider. Let the catfish noodling veteran Jerry "Catfish" Rider show you the ropes in order to make your noodling experience the most successful one it can be! 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Not Just Catfish: Some Other Things Noodlers Come Across

While catfish noodling, catfish are not the only things you will run across. There can be snakes, snakes, and other creatures hiding in the murky waters. To demonstrate this, one catfish noodler uploaded a video of some of their finds while catfish noodling. It is for this reason why catfish noodling expert Jerry "Catfish" Rider recommends that you never go catfish noodling alone or into water that is too deep. Though catfish noodling seems a little crazy in itself, there is a way to do noodle safely.